Greg is running 500 miles for MND Scotland and needs our help!
Greg’s Big Six
Over the next two years Greg Lee will be running six of Scotland’s best long distance walks. This weekend sees Greg tackle the first of the big 6 as he looks to raise money to support MND Scotland.
Since joining the club, Greg and Jess have been fantastic, dedicated members, regularly umpiring when unavailable to play and supporting the club whenever they can, let’s rally together and support Greg in his fantastic efforts.
See Greg’s story and link to his JustGiving page below.
I have been fortunate throughout my life to have lost no loved ones and to have grown up without requiring any support from charities or third parties. My wife's Gran, Mary McKee has not been so lucky. She has directly lost her father, two brothers, uncle, nephew and various cousins through MND.
In total, 12 members of Mary’s family line have been diagnosed with various illnesses which would be categorised under the umbrella of MND and for 30 years she organised the Cumbrae cycle which has raised several hundred thousand pounds for MND. She has also been treasurer of the Ayrshire branch of MND Scotland and she is massively inspirational.
I have run, cycled, and walked the fundraiser at Cumbrae for 5 years now and would like to do something to raise further funds. Mary turned 90 this year and I would like to use my passion (running) to raise funds for the charity which supports those suffering from a disease she has been so affected by, and which she still continues to promote.
Over the next 2 years I will aim to complete 6 of Scotland's best long-distance walks, by running each of them. Each will have a time limit from 24 - 36 hours to complete. I will have a supporting team with me who will be running with me or assisting with hydration/food/encouragement.
The routes I have chosen are:
Arran Coastal Trail 65 miles 3rd October 2020 24 Hours
Speyside Way 73.5 miles TBC March 2021 24 Hours
Skye Trail 79 miles TBC July 2021 28 Hours
Great Glen Way 78 Miles TBC October 2021 24 Hours
West Highland Way 96 Miles TBC March 2022 36 Hours
Kintyre Way 100 miles TBC July 2022 36 Hours
Cumbrae Cycle 10 miles TBC October 2022
It seems only fitting to finish with the Cumbrae cycle.
Any money given to this page will be taken with extreme gratitude, it is over a 2 year period I am doing this so if you want to wait until I am finished them all that is entirely up to you. Pay a little after each event, at the start or whenever you can.
Follow Greg’s progress on JustGiving, Instagram(glee2401) and Strava pages (